Dear Christians at the feet of Trump: Don’t Forget King Saul

I know many of you may be burning inside. Flags of God flying high in your hearts, prayers rising like incense for the unborn, or the lack of organized prayer in schools, or against the pledge of consenting adults to live a life of love and faithfulness together..

I see you. Continue reading “Dear Christians at the feet of Trump: Don’t Forget King Saul”

WordPlay #3 : Liberty/Library/Libra | Freedom/Books/Justice

If you live across cultures you can stumble on language quirks– words your brain hears or sees differently than intended simply because you’re not a native speaker.

Last time I flagged Vote/Stem/Stemmen/Tuning –where “Stem” is Dutch for “vote,” and multiple votes is the equivalent of the English “tuning.” Our votes should thus “tune” the instruments in power. (but how many Listen?).
Continue reading “WordPlay #3 : Liberty/Library/Libra | Freedom/Books/Justice”

Wordplay #2 Vote/Stem/Voice/Tuning

Whoa Election Day! I know the whole world isn’t daily watching or reeling from what America has been going these past years, but wow, major human milestone!

Because America has power and clout far beyond her borders.

But these Wordplays are supposed to be light and encouraging so let’s get to it!

Continue reading “Wordplay #2 Vote/Stem/Voice/Tuning”

Get Hard? Life Lesson from Gold

Imagine a child has a strict teacher and shares their struggle with the parent/caretaker. The adult may say, ‘Chin up! This experience is prepping you for the real, cruel world.’ Or maybe the parent takes action and inquires with the teacher or school.

Or maybe the parent tells the kid their presence actually helps break the cruel world–they are challenging to the teacher’s way of working/thinking.

teachers making kids conform

Life throws so many hits we may be tempted to “Get Hard.” Continue reading “Get Hard? Life Lesson from Gold”

Pick a Fight, Warrior

Not just your health, how’s your Heart these days? ❤

2020 locked our world down, and just as we’re touching streets again, the News of Yet Another police killing sets our global heart on fire.

My Dutch kids are literally watching in their classrooms what mom, grandma and grandpa have been speaking for years–not always subtle, sometimes hearts hurt too much to break it down slow.

But life has many wrecked patches. This is our human heritage.

Where do we take our stand?

Continue reading “Pick a Fight, Warrior”

Rebel Christian ABC’s

For anyone who thought “I want nothing to do with God, or “Christians” because of what they do, say, put into policy” (read: USA, White House), or for any who had the bible used against them, for outcasts not “good enough” for “Church,” or who asked too many questions, or had too many ideas, or just didn’t fit. To all who wonder if unconditional love is real, if God cares, or if there are better things to come… This if for you. ❤

Continue reading “Rebel Christian ABC’s”