The Lost Sheep, a Diamond-in Progress

Have you ever asked God: “if you love me so much, if you accept me so much, why are you trying to change me?”Ā  But what if He’s not trying to change us? Maybe we are being polished, like diamonds. A smudged diamond is still a diamond, but a little buffing makes it shine, and being a ‘brighter diamond’ will surely benefit others:

…my kids will benefit from me having more patience, strangers will benefit from me showing more kindness… I would benefit from extending more grace to myself …

Continue reading “The Lost Sheep, a Diamond-in Progress”

Waiting for change? 3 things to Consider

In life we can experience seasons–physical, emotional and even spiritual. Sometimes we find ourselves in what feels like a ‘spiritual desert’ and can struggle and wonder when our change will come.

When I found out I was pregnant with my fourth child, Continue reading “Waiting for change? 3 things to Consider”

Feeling like a Wasteland, but Beautiful as a Bride…

Yesterday I was on my bike for the first time since giving birth to my son. I passed a former patch of rotten, trash-ridden shrubs in my neighborhood. The municipality decided to remove pavement and make a new green space, but the foliage looked terrible Continue reading “Feeling like a Wasteland, but Beautiful as a Bride…”

When you can’t see around the corner–taking Steps in the Dark

Why do we like to know everything? Ever since the garden of Eden we got the clue that mankind likes to be in the loop. After all, wasn’t that what the “apple” was supposed to give us? Continue reading “When you can’t see around the corner–taking Steps in the Dark”

Did God Change Your Plans?

Drats, I left my bank pass at home. It took all morning to get out the front door with my 2yr. old. All morning and every bit of strength and patience I could muster. I probably didn’t even get a shower in. But just Continue reading “Did God Change Your Plans?”

Before you were a thought, You were a Dream…

Two years after my son was born IĀ wasn’t expecting another baby. In fact, I was trying not to be pregnant. But I had a strange feeling Continue reading “Before you were a thought, You were a Dream…”

Maintaining Intimacy when the Kids Come…

My husband and I are about to reach a major marriage milestone: 10 years. For the past three months I’ve been fumbling through a strange period of awe, reflection, and an overwhelming sense Continue reading “Maintaining Intimacy when the Kids Come…”